• 原文出处:

  • 原文作者:

  • 授权许可:

  • 翻译人员:FireHare

  • 校对人员:

  • 适用版本:FOSCommentBundle 2.0.5

  • 文章状态:草译阶段

Step 9b: Using the Sundown PECL extension

The markup system in FOSCommentBundle is flexible and allows you to use anysyntax language that a parser exists for. PECL has an extension for markdown parsing called Sundown, which is faster than pure PHP implementations of a markdown parser.


FOSCommentBundle doesnt ship with a bridge for this extension, but it is trivial to implement.


First, you will need to use PECL to install Sundown.


pecl install sundown.

You will want to create the service below in one of your application bundles.


parser) { $this->parser = new Markdown( new \Sundown\Render\HTML(array('filter_html' => true)), array('autolink' => true) ); } return $this->parser; } public function parse($raw) { return $this->getParser()->render($raw); }}

And the service definition to enable this parser bridge


# app/config/config.ymlservices:    # ...    markup.sundown_markdown:        class: Vendor\CommentBundle\Markup\Sundown    # ...fos_comment:    # ...    service:        markup: markup.sundown_markdown    # ...

That is it!